Saturday, another PC volunteer and I went to an English Language Club, which meets every week in the main Lugansk Library. It was a wonderful two hour session. About 25 people were there-- lawyers, teachers, students, a salsa dance teacher, accountants, business entrepreneurs, and ALL ages. We had a wonderful session talking about "society".... Next Saturday, because it will be July 3, we will be talking about "freedom" . After the two hour club meeting, the tradition is to go to a local restaurant and continue talking in English... and networking. I am already looking forward to next week's meeting.
The landlady has a nice yard and garden - tomatoes, raspberries, squashes, herbs, lettuce, potatoes, cabbage etc etc. Ukrainians are avid gardeners as food from the yards keep them in food during the long, cold winters. We picked sour cherries yesterday... I would have made a pie, but the landlady immediately canned/preserved all of them to use for the winter!!! Much of what I see here reminds me of my childhood in Door County, Wisconsin. Soil here is extremely fertile so the bazaars (our farmers' markets) are just loaded with fresh vegetables. I am allowed to cook so I make my own salads and fresh vegetables etc.
July 2010
Lugansk and my new flat!!!
My building |
Hello all,
The Lugansk family just happened to have a small, empty one room apartment.
ON MONDAY, July 5, I will have my own apartment in the center of the city.
Location is IDEAL and two blocks from work.
The apartment has just been remodeled so it is very new and very BRIGHT.
IT's perfect for me.
Please come visit!! The apartment is small, but I will always have room for friends.
More details to follow, I promise.
Have to get to the church and light more "thank you candles"....
Monday, July 5
My Kitchen |
It feels wonderful to finally unpack my suitcases and be settled in a place that I am pretty sure will be home for the next two years. I am truly fortunate to live smack in the middle of the city... near parks, near work, near all the open air markets, and near the concert hall. I am sending a few photos of the little studio that I am renting. I spent the evening cooking, pitting sour cherries for pie, making tomato sauce... the fresh tomatoes in the market are UNBELIEVEABLE!! So much fun!!! I have to take advantage now and freeze things, because in winter the "fresh pickings" will be marginal.
Golf ball size hail -- storm on July 5 |
I am also attaching one photo of the golf ball size HAIL that belted the city on MONDAY. Storm was very powerful tropical summer storm, and the hail was HUGE and lasted for about 1/2 hour.
Here is a link,, to my organization's web page. This link should open to the conference I attended, one week after I arrived in Lugansk, and I was asked to make a brief comment on what the USA does for the People with Special Needs and the right to work. I gave a brief overview about the A.D.A. and added a few lines that Bennett gave me about "remuddling" work places!. There are a few pictures of me and a translation of my little speech.
My office has arranged for me to have translators for the entire month of July.. AM I LUCKY OR WHAT!!!
Big hug and lots of love to all of you.
OH YES... my first package arrived today.... unopened by customs. Package was marked "for personal use only" printed everywhere and it arrived in really good shape. HOW WONDERFUL IS THAT!
July 15, 201o
Lugansk daily paper... |
Hello Family,
Thought I would share a page from today's newspaper... "Lugansk Life"..... It is a report on last week's conference RE: Hiring the Disabled - I had to give a presentation on the ADA. I included Mom in the email list-- but not sure if she does any email at all.
Still hot over here.... bordering 100 degrees!!
Big hug to everyone.
Slavyansky Sanitorium - Work |
August 2010
Lugansk and Slavyansky
Work has been busy and interesting. On August 3, I gave a presentation on the IDEA Act of 2004... the American education act for the disabled. The conference attendees were all educators from across Ukraine and also representatives from the United Nations Development council that have given my organization grant funding in the past (and are encouraging my organization to apply for another grant funding opportunity). Thanks to my daughter, Frances, and my sister-in-law, Jayne, I had LOTS of information for a very good presentation!.
My friends Valery and Roxanne working with
their daughter Ella in the hot springs |
Then on August 4, my organization took me to a "sanitorium" where the disabled come every summer for treatment. My organization also sponsors a weeklong conference at this sanitorium so many disabled Ukrainians sign up to come to the sanitorium for the health treatments as well as the conference. Work can be really tough! Specially when it means going swimming at 8:30 in the morning... to beat the 108 degree heat that will come a little later in the day.
Our week long conference was a real learning experience for me. The conference center, supposedly for the disabled, did had massages and treatments for the disabled. But, my disabled friends could not have meals with me because there was no wheelchair ramp to the dining room. At night, walking the sidewalks in the parks, there were NO sidewalk lights and water pipes crossed the side walks.. making incredible walking hazards even for the ABLED attendees! Amazing!
After the conference in Slavyansky, my colleagues took me to a very famous monastery about 45 KM from Slavyansky, the Svyatohirsk Lavra, near the town of Sviatohirsk. Originally it was a cave monastery, made inside the white lime rock. Sviatohirsk means Holy Mountains. My pictures are below. The site is absolutely stunning.